
pet fashion

Fashion also reaches our pets, not only us humans are or try to be at the forefront of fashion. It is clear that, in the case of our dog or cat, the fashion is established by us, where we determine, without asking the opinion of the being that will carry it... our pet, who perhaps would have preferred a good prize with a flavor of bacon or any another thing. Change the appearance of our dog through a haircut, where the French Poodle breed leads the list of breeds that have a large number of options in haircuts such as…
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Help your dog in case of earthquake

Even in this stage of confinement, it is important to remember the appropriate precautionary measures to keep our family and dog safe inside and outside the home in the event of an earthquake or natural catastrophe. Pedigree® from the hand of specialists, wants to share with you some recommendations so that you know how to help that member of the household that does not fend for itself, or a dog or cat lost after being separated from its owner: Emergency kit: just as it is recommended to keep a survival suitcase at the door of homes, in these times it…
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