furry dogs

How to take care of my pet with heart problems?

How to take care of my pet with heart problems?

Heart disease in dogs and cats. Heart conditions in pets occur more frequently the older the pet, especially from 5-7 years. One in ten furry dogs suffers from some type of cardiac pathology. Being valvular insufficiencies and dilated cardiomyopathies more frequent in canines (Keene et al., 2019); and the most frequent myocardial conditions in felines, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Kittleson & Côté, 2021). How do I know if my pet has heart disease? Pets with heart disease may exhibit one or more symptoms at the same time; tachypnea (rapid breathing), dyspnea (respiratory difficulty) due to pulmonary edema (accumulation of fluid…
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Canine sterilization. Advantages and disadvantages.

Canine sterilization. Advantages and disadvantages.

To sterilize or not to sterilize? Today's dilemma. We review the advantages and disadvantages of canine sterilization so that you make the best decision for your furry. Remember that the last decision must be made in conjunction with your veterinarian, who will consider the individual characteristics of your dog and the family environment, among other things. Let's first look at a summary of the pros and cons of canine sterilization. (Based on a bibliographical review carried out) ADVANTAGES 1. Control of reproduction and population reduction of stray dogs. 2. Extends life expectancy. 3. Avoid unwanted pregnancy, heat and psychological pregnancy.…
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