internal parasites

When to deworm your puppy… (and dog)

When to deworm your puppy… (and dog)

Internal parasites can be in our pets and affect different organs. The most common are the "worms" of the digestive system. 2 weeks = Internal antiparasitic suitable for puppies (drops) 4 weeks (1 month) = Internal antiparasitic suitable for puppies (drops) 6 weeks (1.5 months) = Internal antiparasitic suitable for puppies (drops) 8 weeks (2 months) = Internal antiparasitic suitable for puppies (drops) 12 weeks (3 months) = If it weighs less than 2 kilos, internal antiparasitic suitable for puppies (drops), if it weighs more, antiparasitic in pills. From now on throughout his life it is recommended to give an…
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